Vitex agnus castus
Size: 5ml
Plantpart: Ripe fruits/seeds
Collected: Sfakia, southcoast, sealevel
Water distilled
The most remarkable action of chastetree fruits thus is a hormone balancing one in the female hormonal system. Many of our contemporary female ailments are based on an imbalance between oestrogen and progesterone, and especially an oestrogen domination. This imbalance is a main cause in several female complaints.
We have, over the years, found it extremely useful with patients in several female conditions related to imbalances in the hormonal system. Painful and irregular menstruation, infertility, Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS), including depression, irritability, headaches, anxiety, bloating and breast tenderness, as well as in cases of ovarian cysts,during menopause for hotflashes and emotional imbalances just to mention a few.
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